15 Reasons Why Forests Are Important

What's In This Article...
  1. They Purify Air and Help Us Breath
  2. They Are Home to Nearly Half of Whole Species
  3. They Keep Earth Cool
  4. They Make It Rain
  5. They Bind Soil and Prevents Flooding
  6. They Clean Up Dirty Air
  7. They Reduce Noise Pollution
  8. They Protect Other Ecosystems
  9. They Feed Us
  10. They Help Us Make Things
  11. They Produce Life Saving Medicines
  12. They Create Jobs
  13. They Fight Climatic Changes
  14. They Help Us Relax and Heal
  15. Forests are the Absolute Beauty & Wonder of Nature

15 Reasons Why Forests Are Important

Forests are home to many different species, provide us with wood and paper, and clean our air and water. They also help regulate our climate, capture CO2 and store it, and are important for keeping our planet healthy. But without forests, our world would be a very different place. Let’s take a closer look at why forests are so important.

Forests are important for many reasons. They help regulate the climate, store carbon, provide habitat for animals, and much more. But did you know that forests also provide us with many of our most important resources and products? Here are 15 reasons why forests are important:

1: They Purify Air and Help Us Breath

Forests purify the air we breathe. Trees filter the air that we breathe, taking in CO2 and releasing oxygen, which we need to live. Forests also help keep the air clean by filtering particles and gases out of the air, preventing them from becoming breathed in. This helps us breathe better, reduces the risk of asthma, and helps us stay healthier.

2: They Are Home to Nearly Half Of All Species

Forests are home to nearly half of all species, which is more than 75% of all known species. This is because forests provide habitats for a wide variety of plants and animals, and are also a source of food and water for many species, including humans. They also protect species from becoming extinct by providing them with areas where they can live and reproduce, and by keeping them away from humans. Without forests, many species would likely become endangered or extinct.

Since forests are home to nearly half of all species, they are often referred to as “Lungs of the Earth”.

3: They Keep Earth Cool

Forests help keep the Earth cool. They act like a giant air conditioner, removing excess heat from the air and preventing it from becoming overheated. This helps keep the temperature of the Earth below the temperature that would otherwise be possible. Without forests, humans would likely experience much higher temperatures than we do today.

Forests help keep Earth cool by capturing and storing carbon, which is often released into the atmosphere when plants decay or burn. Trees also help keep the atmosphere around them from becoming too hot, which would lead to more erosion and the release of more carbon. This helps to keep our planet cooler, which helps prevent climate change and climate change-caused natural disasters. Without forests, we would likely experience more extreme weather and more frequent natural disasters.

4: They Make It Rain

Forests help make it rain. They capture moisture from the air and store it in their leaves, branches, and trunks. As it rains, the water flows from the ground up through the roots and into the leaves, branches and trunks of the trees. This process of rain falling from the sky and flowing through the roots of trees is called transpiration.

Transpiration of water vapor from trees helps in the formation of clouds high above and ultimately comes down again in the form of rain. This is how forests and trees play their role in the water cycle.

5: They Bind Soil and Prevents Flooding

Forests are important for keeping the soil in place. They bind soil together, preventing it from washing away in heavy rains, floods or blowing away in strong winds. This prevents soil from becoming lost, which helps to keep the soil in place and prevents flooding. Without forests, there would be much less soil on the planet, and it would be much more difficult for humans to grow food.

6: They Clean Up Dirty Air

Forests clean the air that we breathe by filtering the air that we breathe, taking in CO2 and releasing oxygen, which we need to live. Forests also help keep the air clean by filtering particulate matter and other gases and pollutants from the air, preventing them from becoming breathed in. This helps us breathe better, reduces the risk of asthma, and helps us stay healthier.

7: They Reduce Noise Pollution

Forests reduce noise pollution by absorbing noise from the air and making it quiet inside the forest. This helps reduce the amount of noise pollution in the air, which reduces the noise pollution in our environment. Without forests, humans would likely experience much higher noise levels than we do today. This would cause many problems for humans, including sleep deprivation and stress.

So if you want to sleep well, plant trees.

8: They Protect Other Ecosystems

Forests are important for protecting other ecosystems. For example, forests provide a home to many species that would otherwise have nowhere to live. This helps protect other species that are not able to live in protected areas, such as endangered species, birds, bats and other animals that live in forests. Without forests, many of these species would likely become endangered or extinct.

9: They Feed Us

In forests we found fruits, seeds, nuts, saps and other edible food materials. There is also a large variety of edible mushrooms, berries and insects and animals that are hunted down for food such as deer, rabbit, fish, etc.

10: They Help Us Make Things

Forests are important for making things. For example, forests are important for lumber, which is used to make furniture, houses, paper, and other things. Without forests, there would be much less lumber on the planet, which would have a huge impact on the things that humans are able to make. Forests are also important for making things like paper and wire, which are used to build things such as computers and cell phones.

11: They Produce Life Saving Medicines

Many of the medicines that humans take for infections and other diseases came from plants that are in the forest. Without forests, there would be much less medicine on the planet, which would have a huge impact on human health. This is just one example of how forests are important for producing life saving medicines.

12: They Create Jobs

Forests create jobs by providing timber, paper and other materials that are used to make things. Forests also create jobs by providing jobs to loggers, house builders, lumber processors, paper producers, and others. Without forests, there would be a lot fewer jobs on the planet, which would have a huge impact on the economy. Also, there is forest department that employs people in the forest sector as caretaker, guides for tourists, etc.

According to the UN, more than 1.6 billion people rely on forests for their livelihood and 10 million are directly employed in forest management or conservation.

13: They Fight Climatic Change

Forests fight climatic change by absorbing greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc) that are released from human activities. Forests also help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which helps fight climate change. Without forests, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere would likely be much higher than it is today. This would cause many problems for humans, including increased temperatures, sea level rise and more droughts.

14: They Help Us Relax and Heal

Forests also help heal our soul. Forests are important for providing us with nature experiences. For example, when we are in the woods, we get a chance to reconnect with our inner selves. When we are in the forest, we get a chance to get away from our problems and relax. Forests are a place where we can get quiet and just be alone with our thoughts.

15: Forest are Absolute Beauty And Wonder of Nature

Forests are the absolute beauty and wonder of nature. There are so many different species of plants, animals, trees and grass that live in forests. There is so much color, design, and texture in the forest that it is a never ending source of fascination. There are also so many different sounds, smells, and tastes in the forest that it is a never ending source of enjoyment.

And this beauty of forest which is the wonder of nature attracts us to explore it even more.

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