What actually a Black Holes is and Bending of Light

What's In This Article...
  1. What a Black Hole actually is?
  2. Bending of Light
  3. Can a black hole turn into a wormhole?

As per one of the greatest scientists of the world ever, Albert Einstein, "the whole universe is a space-time fabric or curve." And everything in our universe emerged into it. More the mass an object has, the more it will curve the space-time fabric and more the Gravity it will possess.

What A Black Hole Actually Is?

A black hole is actually that part of space-time fabric/curve where the gravity is super intense due to which even light!!! can't escape from there. And there may be only 1 reason behind this abnormal gravity and that is the MASS that is in the depth of a black hole's center. A black hole's mass is incomparable to the things we usually know about.

Since, all the strange phenomena of black holes are somewhere related with its intense gravity. And we know that the gravity is due to the curve of space-time fabric caused by the bodies having mass. The more mass a body has, the more it will curve the space-time fabric and hence more will be the gravity.

One thing that also matters here is density of the body i.e. how much mass of an object is there in a unit volume. More the density of a body, the more it deepens the curve in space-time fabric and hence harder it will be to escape from there.

There is a lot we have to know about the behavior of black holes. Many theoretical physicists, astronomers and scientists have dedicated their lives to the research of black holes. One such theoretical physicist is Stephen Hawking, he had contributed a lot in the field of Black Holes.

As you can see in the above diagram that shows the comparison among two massive objects with a black hole, the black hole curves the space-time fabric more than others. Actually, a black hole curves the space-time fabric more than any other heavenly body discovered up till now. Hence, it has the most powerful gravitational effects on everything which is close enough to it. You may know that anything that comes close enough to black hole will go into it and become a part of it and will never come back.

It is assumed by our theoretical physicists that there may be a point far deep or you can say at the center of a black hole, where everything comes to standstill and converges to a point. The density of such a place is said to be infinite and there is no chance of survival. This point is known as Singularity. The area around the Singularity is said to be the area where time and space are distorted by the gravity of the black hole. This is the area where no one can escape from the black hole.

Bending Of Light

It is a universal fact that light always travels in a straight line, so why do we think of the bending of light?

As you can see in the figure (I) that light is traveling straight in the space-time fabric when there is no obstacle or massive body in its path.

However, in figure (II) it seems that light is bent, when it comes closer to a massive body (as shown in the figure above). But how could it be ever possible?

Remember, when there is a massive body it curves or bends the space-time fabric and light travels in a straight line w.r.t space-time and not w.r.t us. Actually light doesn't bend but it only seems to bend due to the presence of a massive body that curves space-time even more that is the path or road of light. And if light's path is being curved or stretched, light itself seems to be bent or twisted.

You can understand this phenomenon by taking the example below >

Illustration for the path of light. Green represents the "light", blue indicates direction of light and black is the Path. Region (I) is normal road, region (II) is mountain, region (III) is trough or underground.

Explanation of the above figure is very simple and related to our day to day life.

Let us suppose that we all are the light particles and traveling in the form of waves in a straight line as in Region (I), when we come across a mountain as in Region (II) we have to climb up and then again we have to come down (but as per us we are going straight, no matter what obstacle come across we will follow the path of road) and if there is a trough we will get into that but in straight line as per us.

And if someone was watching us from far away and illustrate us and our path is a 2 dimensional way, we will find the same path trajectory as shown in the figure above. So we find that we are traveling in a straight line as per the path and us (light), but as per the observer this path in a 2 dimensional view is not a straight line.

Can A Black Hole Turn into A wormhole?

Yes, it is definitely possible, many physicists have researched on this theme and concluded that even two black holes from a very far distance apart can entangle with each other due to their extreme space-time curvature and becomes one that ultimately results as a 'Wormhole'.

Two entangled black holes resulting in a wormhole. It seems that traveling through a wormhole should take a longer time.

Many researchers said that traveling through a wormhole is not a good idea as it will take more time to travel the same distance through normal space. But I just can't stop thinking about it even if one shows me some proof of this. As per me wormholes may be a much faster medium of traveling through space.

You may say that traveling through a wormhole may take a longer time than actual traveling, then what is its benefit? If you think so now see the image below.

Illustration of a wormhole in the entangled/curved space time fabric.

As you can see in the figure(I), it seems that traveling through a wormhole may take longer, since it looks like it is a longer path than the actual path in space time fabric between the two mouths of that wormhole.

But as you see the figure(II), you can definitely say that traveling through a wormhole can make the real distance shorter than actual. Here, in this orientation the distance between two openings is less if you go through a wormhole and will be longer if you go through a normal path.

Our space-time fabric was not entangled before, i.e. when it is at peace (meaning when there was no or very less mass and energy in a region of a space time fabric). This distortion and curvature of space-time fabric is due to the massive masses and emission of powerful energies.

At last I think wormholes can be a quicker path of traveling throughout our galaxy. What do you think? Tell me...🚀🚀🚀

More On Black Holes

A black hole is a region of high gravitational force or field. It is highly dense and compressed. But yet no one knows what actually resides inside a black hole. Hard work of our scientists will definitely come someday with a great discovery.

According to the scientists and physicists the center of every galaxy is a super massive black hole. All the stars and heavenly bodies ultimately revolve around this most massive black hole due to its intense gravitational field and power.

Obviously, in our galaxy there is also a supermassive black hole at the center of milky way, its name is Sagittarius A.

It was found and predicted and widely accepted that there may be everything inside a black hole. It means the favorable conditions for the formation of a new Universe, if we compare this model to the Big bang theory. This is the idea and prediction or hypothesis of the greatest physicists of this century whose name is Mr. Stephan Hawking. Though he is no more, his brilliant works especially on black holes will always be with us.

Many physicists have also said that there is a possibility of the presence of many levels of dimensions inside a black holes. It is said that many of our physics laws are of no use there in the discussion of a black hole, this may be due to the interference of different level of dimensions.

Black holes maintain the balance of universal matter.

Let me tell you about it in simple words.

Black holes can make and destroy growing stars, here I am talking about the supermassive black holes that are found at the center of almost every galaxy. We know that black hole eats everything that comes nearby to its gravitational field. But do you know that black holes not only eat but also waste in the form of jets. When black holes eat too much they turn some matter out of its massive and complex body through their poles in the form of jets that are almost lightening fast and it travels billions of light years in a straight up and down through the poles of a black hole and due to this many nebula and stars systems that comes on the path of jets get destroyed. But these jets are of dust and matter with the help of which new star clusters and later other heavenly bodies are born.

After all black holes are the balancer 👼 or a monster 👾?

What do you think about it?
